Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day, the big game

ahaha, I see droo sent his cheapass mercenaries to diss my blog. i only have one comment to all of them:

tony romo rules, you suck


I met this blonde chick named Jamie at a bar tonight, she got me all kinds of drunk. I know I have a game tomorrow but whatever, Jamieis thehotest chick I've ever seen: 6'2, 210 pounds, muscular frame, big adam's apple. Plus shemust have been carrying around a sharpie, because I definitely felt it in her pocket when we were dancing. I dunno mebbe she's famous and has lots of autographs requests like me.

Go Dallas!! Beat Philly!! and screw droo the burger addicted cracy fool, but seriouslyt. On this of all holidays I wish the best to droo's family. Like big presents for his kids and sexual satisfaction for his wife vecause damn it's about time!

Christmass! wooo

Tonyt Romo!! owooooo
Dallas!! woooo

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